Monday, April 11, 2005


Ko Chang, Chang Beer

The beach is a rather nice place to be, I must say. I'm staying at some rather inexpensive bungalos here on Ko Chang, that are but a stone's throw from the water. On the other hand, the bungalos have neither electricity nor running water, and the "shower" is a stone hut with a large vat of water and a bucket for pouring over your body. Travelling with a pair (but not a couple) of English people, having a grand old time. Actually met some Americans last night - seems like the first in ages - but they've been living in China for over two years. However it was nice to be able to make some American cultural references without having to explain them!

Going to try to get a dive in tomorrow before I head off. I'm actually flying from Bangkok to Chiang Mai for Songkran (the Thai New Year/Water Festival) on the 13th, and it'll take me around 7 hours to get to Bangkok, so I'll have to be up early then. I can't believe I have only 15 days left!

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